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Francesca Pellegrino


Born in Cuneo on 12/05/1980, graduated from the University of Turin, and registered with the Cuneo Bar Association in 2008.

In 2011, she qualified as Mediator as per Legislative Decree of 1 D.Lgs. 04 march 2010 n. 28.

She mainly works in the field of civil law, with experience in commercial debts recovery, particularly in real estate executions on behalf of Credit Institutions and assignee Entities, including ex Law No. 130 of 1999 (securitization of debts).

She has also gained expertise in Real Estate, including individual negotiations and involvement in auctions and general competitive procedures.

She provides assistance to individuals in matters of leases and condominium relationships, collaborating with the Federcasa Association and the Property Owners’ Association.

She constantly updates her professional knowledge in family law.

She has written online publications on lease and condominium matters and has participated as a speaker in training courses organized by Formont s.c.a.r.l. for Professional Development, as well as in conferences organized by the Order of Surveyors with the following presentations: “THE PROCEDURE FOR THE VALIDATION OF EVICTION AND LICENSE” (2016); “THE CONDOMINIUM AND THE JUDICIAL AUTHORITY” (2016); “THE TENANT AND THE CONDOMINIUM AFTER THE REFORM – THE PARTICIPATION OF THE LESSEE OF A LEASED REAL ESTATE UNIT IN THE CONDOMINIUM ASSEMBLY” (2017)

English speaker.